About Us

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing mental well-being and empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives. Our foundation is driven by a passionate team committed to making a positive impact on different nations in the world. Through various initiatives, we strive to raise awareness, provide support through counselling and therapy treatment, and foster a stigma-free environment surrounding mental health. With a focus on education, advocacy and access to resources, we aim to empower individuals to overcome challenges, develop resilience, and flourish. Join us on this journey as we are being used by God to work towards creating a world where everyone’s mental health matters and individuals can thrive with a great light.

Founder’s Verdict.

- BUKENYA Solomon

Being an educator and a psychologist for years, I realized how dark the world has become to the lives of many people due the negative impact of mental and psychological tortures that has existed among them for decades. Seeing children, youth and old being highly stressed, depressed and traumatized on top of that they fail to have where to address such due to anxiety and low self-esteem challenged my mind a lot thus purposing my heart and mind to be a response upon such concerns with a sense of dragging the light of hope and value into the world through being a center of reference wherever people seem to be disturbed mentally and psychologically, Once their voices and concerns are being given chances to be heard it amplifies self-disclosure among individuals hence guiding them all through towards their self-actualization. Do not be afraid and discouraged for the Lord says, come we achieve this together for we are the light of the world.

Our Mission

Empowering minds, shaping futures and unleashing potentials of all citizens more so children who go through psychological and mental torture that later lead them to drug abuse, school dropout, early marriage, divorce, neglect, child abuse, suicide, depression, stress and trauma

Our Vision

To retaliate light among citizens in the world through raising the bar of self-awareness, self–disclosure and personal growth.

Our Memory Text

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” Mathew 5:14

Our Motto

We are your response.

Our Values

1. We are passionate,
2. We are valuable,
3. We are committed,
4. We are responsive,

5. We are empathetic,
6. We are purposed,
7. We are Christian,

8. We integrative,
9. We are forgiving,
10. We are cooperative.

We are still a small organization with a great hope to enrich a lot of citizens allover the world.

Our Services

1. School Guidance, Counselling and Therapies
2. Trauma and Depression Treatment
3. Partners and Families Counselling
4. Child, Adolescent and Youth Psych Mentorship
5. General Professional and Career & Business Guidance
6. Family Care & Therapy (Parenting Styles, Household management)
7. Group and Corporate Psych Mentorship
8. Loss Recovery Programs (Life, Relationship, Profession and Property)
9. Adult Special Psych Mentorship Programs
10. Addiction Prevention & Treatment (Phone and Other Abuse)
11. Self-Discovery and Self-Care Mentorship
12. General Psychological Education
13. Online Psychology
14. Public Speaking and Debate
15. Reading and Writing
16. Teachers & Leadership Training and Mentorship.

Our Objectives

Raise awareness:

World Light International aims to raise awareness about mental health issues in the World. We strive to sensitize nations and challenge the stigma surrounding mental health.

Provide support and treatment:

Our foundation is committed on providing accessible and affordable counseling and treatment options for individuals in need. We prioritize creating a support system that helps individuals navigate their mental health challenges effectively.

Empowerment through education:

World Light International focuses on empowering and lighting individuals by providing education and resources related to mental health. We believe that knowledge is power, and by using equipping individuals with information and skills, we enable them to lead fulfilling lives.

Fighting the cause:

Erasing mental or psychological disturbances in the citizens of the world through all ages in preparation for the future.

Bringing hope:

Through Christ our strengthener, World Light International is purposed to light souls that have lost a sense of value and direction into better citizens and drugging a sense of belonging to them in order to become part of the world.

Our Audience

Children, youth and old from the following environments:

1. Educational institutions,
2. Religion (church, mosques etc),
3. Families and couples,
4. Communities,
5. Health institutions,

6. Public institutions,
7. Youth in all sectors,
8. Civil and security institutions,
9. Government,
10. Private

Our Team


Executive Founder




Marketing Director


Human Ressource


Teachers Trained


Children Assisted




Funds Collected



We are operating so far from Rwanda, Eastern province, Nyagatare district, Nyagatare sector, Barija cell, Barija village.

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-06 at 07.23.15
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Get In Touch With Us!


+ 250 786 762 137




Rwanda – Eastern Province – Nyagatare District – Nyagatare Sector – Barija Cell – Barija B Village

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